
How to generate engagement?

Do you engage or disengage your team?

Is the leadership prepared to engage and not disengage your team?

Engaging professionals is certainly the biggest challenge for the companies in today’s world. In Brazil, according to some surveys, only 27% of professionals are engaged in what they do. Many leaders still operate in models driven by power, fear and reward. This no longer engages most people, and results in lower performance and, also, the loss of talent.

Engaging today is something different from what happened in the past. It no longer involves conditioning and convincing. It involves a reflective process on the part of the leaders and an invitation to leave the daily automation. It involves courage to change, detachment, self-awareness, openness to the new, change of mental model, learning to work with diversity in a cooperative way and taking advantage of collective intelligence. For professionals, engaging is associated with the search for space, freedom, inspiration and meaning in what they do.

Hallos Engagement Model
inspired by U theory:

How we operate

The engagement works involve knowledge of the organization’s culture, its management and leadership models. In some cases, it involves building a statement or inspiring purpose.


Basic instruments used:

Assessment 360 Engagement

This assessment is based on the best current leadership practices. It demonstrates how much the leader is managing to engage his team, in his own assessment and in the vision of his team. It helps you to know which behaviors he engages the most and which are his biggest challenges.

Team Coaching

This practice is used with groups of leaders to bring concepts, analyze cases and practical examples that accelerate the assimilation of new strategies and behaviors. When necessary, we use Coaching sessions as well and, depending on the size of the group, we also use workshops.

For whom we’ve already done:

Natura, Sanofi, Nestlé, Purina, Danone, Vogler, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, etc.

Contact us

Phone: +55 11 99913 9394
Email: contato@hallos.com.br

R. Vieira de Morais, 1111
Cj: 808A
ZIP CODE: 04617-014
Campo Belo – São Paulo – SP

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